Route Constraint: Avoid Custom Shape
Direct ForeFlight's Recommended Route to avoid a custom-defined region when avoiding whole countries or FIRs isn't enough. Select the "Avoid Custom Shape" option in the Route Constraints drop-down menu on the Route Builder page, then right-click on the map in at least three locations to place markers defining the custom shape. Continue right-clicking to extend the shape with additional corners. If you make a mistake or wish to start over, click the eraser button in the lower-left corner of the map to clear all markers. Optionally specify a buffer in nautical miles around the custom shape to ensure your route avoids it by a suitable margin. If you want to save a given shape so you can apply it to other flight plans, copy the text in the WKT String field (formatted as "POLYGON((long lat, long lat, long lat))" with a minimum of three long/lat pairs) and paste it into the same field on other flight plans to duplicate the shape.
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